Search our database of 1029 active Certified Logging Professionals.

Use this search page to confirm certification and obtain contact information (address, phone number, etc.) for CLPs in our database.

To use this search page, enter the information for the logger you are searching for into the appropriate spaces below. Then click on the seach button. You will then be shown a list of loggers who match the information you enter.

The more information you enter about the logger you are looking for, the better your seach will be (ie. if you enter only a Last Name, you will be shown a list of CLPs in our database whose last name match the one you enter, but if you enter Last Name, Town, etc., your search will be more effective)

The CLP database search is case sensitive, so if your search does not return the results you expect, try a different spelling.

To delete information you’ve entered and begin a new search, click on the Reset Values button.

This database was last updated on 01/28/2020.